Certificate LEVEL 3
The performance of a product is the fruit of research and analysis, which starts from afar and implies the acquisition of in-depth knowledge, from the raw materials to the process developments, from the specifics of a sector to the realisation of a manufactured article. Our company research and analysis laboratories are constantly updated with the latest high technology instruments, analyse the latest high technology instruments, analyse the different raw materials and articles to be processed and set up avant-guard products and systems to assist the client's activity, to anticipate the demands, and to obtain tailor-made results.
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Certificate
Working in observance of quality contents is a commitment that accompanies all Repico's activities. Quality is not an abstract concept, but a conscious choise that implies that all the human resources working in the company take on a responsability: selection of raw materials, analysis and development carried out in the dedicated laboratories, product industrialization, application on leather; all these steps follow a track that is accurately controlled and testified by ISO 9001:2008 certification. A full-circle quality that is expressed also by the care for the territory, for health, for the environment, with eco-compatible products.
Certificate of Membership
Repico has joined the Leather Working Group (LWG) to support and contribute to environmental best practice within the leather industry.
The Leather Working Group (LWG) is an international organisation comprised of stakeholders across the whole leather supply chain, working to promote environmental best practice within leather manufacturing and related industries.
REACH Regulation
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals
The purpose of the REACH Regulation is to raise awareness about the dangers resulting from chemical products and, at the same time, to ensure a greater level of protection of both human health and the environment. This EC Regulation provides for the registration of all substances produced or imported into the EU in quantities greater than one tonne per year.